Sunset Wine, Rocks and Mojave Desert Winds

January 20-23, 2025

Picking up where I left off.  My next stop was Lake Havasu for more camping.  The drive from central California to Arizona was an arm and shoulder muscle strainer – high gusty winds across the Mojave Desert and a terrible road (Highway 40) tested my resolve and high-profile rig (11 ft) driving skills.  Luckily had some practice driving in high winds last summer.  Slow, steady and both hands-on wheel at all times for constant concentration and correction, made it through and into my beautiful camp spot at Cattail Cove, Lake Havasu!  As the song goes, Mama said there’d be days like this.  The drive was challenging no doubt with the biggest frustration is most of the rest areas were under construction along the way.

Arrival at this site was instant peace, calm and relaxation.  High desert environment with majestic views of the high red mountains that helped capture the Colorado river to make this lake. Still chilly at night and a good portion of the days, but sunshine allowed for some good outdoor time.  This place was far enough from the tourist area of Lake Havasu city to be off the beaten path, and had a wonderful white sand beach – and, more importantly, a dog beach!

This location, on the second night, finally allowed me to fulfill one of my new routines – wine at sunset on a beach.  And of course, tossing a ball into the lake for Audy’s entertainment pleasure.  I may end up over-using the words – but bliss and pure joy are apt descriptions of what I felt.  Yes, the dream includes coffee at sunrise, and wine at sunset.  I’ll try not to overuse those experiences, because once I hit the gulf coast it may become a boring conversation (yeah, Sandy’s drinking more wine on a beach somewhere- blah-blah-blah.)

Got some minor hiking/walking in – will build up to longer walks, but I think I’ve had plenty of 6–8-mile days so far.  My weight is coming off with new eating behaviors (not starving, just not a lot of snacking) and hoping to firm up more.  Gone down a pant size already.

After reluctantly leaving my lakeside oasis, I travelled through Arizona to Phoenix (more about my experience there in another post).  Along the way, again following the path of my parent’s old snowbird stomping grounds, I stopped in Quartzsite, AZ and spent an hour or so browsing rocks in large stores.  If you are unfamiliar with this location, it is known for two things – multiple vendors who sell rocks (natural, polished, crafted and otherwise in any shape or form you could desire) and large flea markets.  The flea markets weren’t active (or I missed them) but it was amazing to see huge buildings with large tables of stones.  I’m a member of the earth clan, so I’m drawn to rocks but not a geologist or rockhound and can’t tell you the different types of rocks, but I was fascinated by all the different colors and veins in them.  Yes, bought a few – the ones that spoke to me.  Well, I guess more the ones I was drawn too – but I was in a desert with little civilization, the mind adapts – so maybe the rocks were talking to me?  After this part of the country is known for alien territory – and I don’t mean immigrants from other countries. (Bless them all and keep them safe in the next 4 years)

Oh, and now may be the time to mention my other travelling companion – Prickly Pete.  A plant who rides in my dash, next to a Big Foot my nephew gave me (one of my favorite nephews – I’ll let them fight out who actually deserves that status 😊).  I gave away all my houseplants when I moved, otherwise I’d have a small jungle in my rig.  But this one has special meaning to me. 

A few years before Dad’s passing last year, during one of his visit, we went out to breakfast at a local Mom & Pop restaurant (his favorite type of place, after Shari’s).  He was intrigued by a plant with both broad leaves and little, prickly spines growing from it.  The waitress told us she nurtured all the plants in the place, and told us about the plant (like rocks, I can never remember the names of plants).  She then cut a clipping and gave it to Dad and me – this is Prickly Pete.  He’s low maintenance, can survive my forgetting to water him and loves the sunny perch in my front window.  Now he has rocks from Quartzsite, in addition to Big Foot, to keep him company.



3 responses to “Sunset Wine, Rocks and Mojave Desert Winds”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the pictures, Sandy. Pup sure looks like he is enjoying his new way of life!

  2. Laurie Avatar

    Love it all, Sandy! Thanks for sharing and continue living the good life. Love the coffee sunrises and wine sunsets!

  3. Mia Avatar

    Continue to enjoy this time. Well deserved Sandy! Thanks for sharing your journeys.