Christmas Miracles and Other RV experiences

I’m two weeks away from moving on, starting the grand adventure. Been in a holding pattern for a few months as I learn this lifestyle and spend the holidays around my daughter and her family. When I woke up this morning on Christmas eve, I felt a heaviness in me. And on top of that, I sat on the brass tray where I sit my coffee while journaling, turning over the cup and spilling hot coffee all over me and my cushion!  Living in an RV park with long-term renters has been a good experience, however it was marred by two experiences that were weighing on me.

First, unfortunately, I attracted the attention of a neighbor who lacks filters, boundaries and cannot recognize social cues.  I believe him to be harmless, I suspect this person may be on the autism spectrum. He began ambushing me when I was out walking, and I had the feeling he was watching me to accidently “run into” me. I felt a little stalked and trapped – hard to pull out when your rig is connected to a 120-gal propane tank.  I would feel special that he chose me, but my neighbors have stories about escaping his oversharing of medical, dietary and employment issues and showing up on their walks. However, I think he developed a crush on me, for he talked about having 2 venison steaks to share, even though he told me he was vegan? Even added, for my listening pleasure, a long medical explanation about needing more protein and all the bio-chemical digestive changes that occur, in graphic detail, from eating too much bean soup (won’t go there, but cloudy urine was mentioned).

For my HR friends – this experience was like living next door to your worst RTW employee, lots of excuses for not working and lots of complaining about physical issues, even though the doctor said he could return to work… My brain said run, run – don’t get sucked in, don’t think/say terms like ADA, Paid Leave, Short Term/Long Term Disability, modified work, accommodation – run!

Next, and more devasting, 12 days ago I opened my door to put my dog out and Spirit, my cat, went flying out, across the drive and over the bank towards the creek. I was stunned. For the past week plus, I’ve been calling him and shedding a few tears because he is old, on thyroid medicine and has a heart murmur. I felt terrible, thinking I’d never know what happened to him. Just this morning, I was talking to another neighbor who asked if I’d found him yet. I talked about my hope leaving me as the days go by. Last night, I reluctantly threw away his litter box and today, I put his food into the back of my car to take to my daughter tomorrow.

It was a mild afternoon for a Christmas eve – I cleaned out my car and the front of the RV. Then two things happened that lifted the weight. First, when my intrusive neighbor stopped by, uninvited, started playing with my dog and talking to me, I firmly stating “Please do not come around me, my dog or my RV anymore” (what I didn’t say earlier he was starting to show up in the dark, which did freak me out a little). I repeated this three times, and he walked away. I finally feel like I took control back in this situation. I have compassion for him, he is lonely, but I’m interested in any role beyond “neighbor” with him.

Next, and here’s the Christmas Miracle. Shortly after running off the stalker, I was looking towards the creek. I saw a little black head behind a neighbor’s RV right at the edge of the bank to the creek. Was it a squirrel or could it be? I got on my shoes, ran over and suddenly, to my disbelief – there he was, my Spirit Cat! He still had his collar on. Skinnier, skittish but verbally responding to my calls. It took an hour of offering food and several unsuccessful snatches at him, but I got him. I laid on the muddy ground tossing him canned food with my fingers until I finally got a good hold on him, put him in his carrier and brought him home! I felt such great joy and happiness.  Spirit is in good spirits, the Christmas kind I think, just waking up from naps and yelling for food. He is probably as surprised and happy as I am that we found each other again.

We’ll be making some changes in our routines, but in a good way.  Like Spirit will wear his halter during the days and we’ll start some outdoor leash time to let him get out occasionally. And with two weeks to go, I’m thinking my potential suitor (not) will avoid me now. It is a great Christmas – all is shiny and bright. Love, Peace and Joy – and I hope that once I start my grand adventure, Spirit will accompany me instead of going on his own.



4 responses to “Christmas Miracles and Other RV experiences”

  1. Mia Avatar

    So beautiful Sandy! I’m glad you firmly set your boundaries and pray for your protection and safety.
    Enjoy the holiday season and enjoy your adventure with good “Spirits” by your side 😘

  2. Carla Finegan Avatar
    Carla Finegan

    Sandy. I am so glad about this Christmas miracle, Spirit coming back. As I’ve gotten older, and somewhat more introspective, I recognize I have fewer friends than I had in my past. I still miss my Freckles dog, and she’s been dead five years now. Our pets don’t only bring fun and comfort…they love us unconditionally. I crave that kind of love, and I appreciate you as a current and hopefully forever friend. I’ll share our itinerary and look forward to connecting in person when we can and via phone and email. Blessings to you on this holiday. Thank you for being my friend. Carla

  3. Deborah Frank Avatar
    Deborah Frank

    Glad unsettling things turned around for you. Stay safe and enjoy yourself.
    Love your cousin

  4. Jamie Voelker Avatar
    Jamie Voelker

    Merry Christmas Sandy! I am thankful you had your miracle and got Spirit back, he used one of his 9 lives up now. It is hard to have to set boundaries with another adult that forces you to use an unkind nature, that is not what anyone wants. It is my hope this will be a ‘one and done’ experience. Much love cousin, enjoy the time with your kids!